Free Consultation Available

Test Prep Services

The Course Correction

Your student has already spent a great deal of time studying, but they are making little improvement because they don't fully understand the test and how to approach the problems. Their studying has become inefficient and in some cases might be ingraining bad habits. If this is your student and the problem is with their approach, they may need as little as one two-hour session to get back on track!
Cost: $400

The Quick Fix

Your student has taken a course or engaged in self study and it's been going well, but there are a few question types that they've been struggling with. If this is your student, a couple two-hour sessions could be enough to get them over the hump.
Cost: $800

The General Assist

Your student is self-motivated and learns well going through material on their own. They can learn most of the material independently, but want to quickly identify and plug holes and need to learn how to extend their knowledge to more difficult problems. If this is your student, then starting with a package of twelve hours would be appropriate.
Cost: $2160

The Personal Trainer

Efficiency is paramount. Either your student's time is limited or you know they learn faster when someone presents material to them. You want someone to guide them through the process to get them the most benefit in the least amount of time. If this describes your student, you should plan to start with a package of twenty hours.
Cost: $3200